Australia’s active vaccine safety system
Data on this page show the responses of individuals who received the 12–13 years schedule point vaccines and whose parent or carer completed an AusVaxSafety survey sent in the days following vaccination on their child’s behalf. Data on this page will be updated quarterly.
These data provide a profile of what to expect in the days following your child’s 12–13 years schedule point vaccinations and can assist in planning for vaccination.
AusVaxSafety's active vaccine safety surveillance system complements the safety surveillance activities of the Therapeutic Goods Administration.
AusVaxSafety has been conducting safety surveillance of all National Immunisation Program (NIP) vaccines since 2019. Analysis has remained constant over this time and no safety concerns have been identified.
In April 2022, the vaccine safety survey used for active surveillance of vaccines on the NIP was updated to replicate the vaccine safety survey used for COVID-19 and seasonal influenza vaccine surveillance to allow for better comparison across all vaccines monitored. Data displayed on this page show analysis of the new survey. Reassuringly, data from the new vaccine safety survey are comparable to the rates reported in the previous survey.
Further information on NIP vaccines can be found at the links below: